Bay Street Blues
Geraldine, Kay, Reggie, Hilda, Cyril, Pius, Lenus, Alice, Monica, Bertha, Leona, Audrey, Pauline, Esther, Patrick, Lawrence, Clarence, Marilyn, Philip and Lorraine. 20 names for 20 kids! Number eight is my nana, Alice.
Portrait of man standing in grass. PEI
Geraldine, Kay, Reggie, Hilda, Cyril, Pius, Lenus, Alice, Monica, Bertha, Leona, Audrey, Pauline, Esther, Patrick, Lawrence, Clarence, Marilyn, Philip and Lorraine. 20 names for 20 kids! Number eight is my nana, Alice.
Andrew Coimbra Spring 2020 collection
Fashion designer Andrew Coimbra gives us a sneak peak at his Spring 2020 collection and answers a few questions about himself and his creative process.
Dr John Cooper Clarke
He’s known as the Bard of Salford, the People’s Poet and the Doctor. He’s witty, eloquent and super cool. He refers to himself as “Johnny Clarke, the name behind the hairstyle.” He is Dr. John Cooper Clarke and we had the privilege of spending an hour speaking with him... now the privilege is all yours.
Armando Terra sitting in antique Ford
Bottelcaps? Stamps? Not this guy. Armando Terra gives us a private tour of the most interesting and eclectic collection we've ever seen.
July talk by David McDonald
Thirteen years in the pit may sound like some sort of death-row punishment, but to concert photographer David McDonald, it’s the best place to be.
Ana Golja
She is a talented actor, dancer and singer who has added producer to her resumé with her new film The Cuban.

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